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  • Europe Salary Survey Report

    8 months ago

    A comprehensive overview of salaries, compensation, and career motivations across Europeโ€™s end-to-end supply chain industry.As the world navigates geopolitical tensions, rising inflation, weak consumer consumption, and high business overheads, itโ€™s never been more important for end-to-end supply chain organisations to have the right talent in place. And to do that, having ...

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  • The Impact of Flexible Working

    over 1 year ago

    โ€‹Assessing the adoption of flexible working in the supply chain industrySince its introduction to the masses, flexible working has revolutionized the world of employment.As the demand for supply chain professionals continues to grow worldwide, strategies to facilitate flexible and remote working have become essential in attracting and retaining top-tier talent.For many, som...

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  • How to Ace a Virtual Interview

    over 4 years ago by Lara Edgcombe

    During the Covid-19 epidemic, more companies in Germany are including video job interviews as part of their hiring process. Live or pre-recorded video interviews are easier and less expensive for both the hiring manager and the candidate, with the opportunity to review your answers and not just rely on notes taken during an in-person interview. โ€œThe good and bad of a crisis...

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  • 5 Ways to Turn Around Blue Monday and Beat the Winter Blues

    over 4 years ago by

    โ€‹With the festive period truly over, January is a difficult month for many supply chain professionals. This is particularly true on the dreaded Blue Monday. The weather in most parts of Germany ranges from grey and wet to freezing and the daylight hours are still at an annual minimum. So if you are feeling particularly down today, you are not alone.The Story Behind Blue Mond...

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  • How to Leave Your Job Without Burning Bridges

    over 4 years ago by

    โ€‹When leaving aย jobย youโ€™ve grown to hate, you may be tempted to air your grievances when handing in your notice. You may even want to quit on the day you get your new job offer, leaving drama and scrabbling co-workers in your wake.ย ย Both during the resignation process and after you leave, it is best not to speak negatively about your employers, your manager or your colleague...

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    Lvi How To Leave A Job Without Burning Bridges
  • Is Your Boss Invested in Your Career Development?

    over 4 years ago by

    proโ€‹If you are consistently exceeding your current performance targets and not seeing recognition or discussing opportunities about how this could move you ahead, you may have a boss who is not invested in your career development.ย ย No matter how talented and ambitious you are, if you do not have support or guidance from your boss, your career roadmap may seem like a dead end...

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    Dsj Is Your Boss Invested In Your Career Development
  • How a Specialist Recruiter Can Help You Secure Your Dream Job

    over 4 years ago by

    โ€‹When hunting for a new role in the German procurement and supply chain sector, there is a lot of value in contacting a specialist recruiter within your niche. Recruiters know what jobs are out there, have already built relationships with employers and devote a lot of time to making sure those jobs are filled with skilled and fitting candidates.ย ย ย Not only do recruiters hold...

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    The Benefits Of Using A Specialist Recruiter To Secure Your Dream Job
  • How to Decide if a Job Offer is Worth Taking

    over 4 years ago by

    โ€‹Receiving a job offer for a role within the German procurement and supply chain sector is certainly cause for celebration, but there may be aspects of the offer which are holding you back from saying โ€˜yesโ€™ straight away.ย ย It is worth taking your time to consider which elements of a job make you happy, and whether this offer and working for this business will lead to job sat...

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    7 Ways To Decide If A Job Offer Is Worth Taking
  • How to Make a Great First Impression in Your New Job

    over 4 years ago by

    โ€‹If you approach your first day in your new role in the German procurement and supply chain sector with confidence and positivity, introducing yourself and shaking the hand ofย all ofย your new colleagues, your attitude will affect those around you. You willย be seen asย a โ€˜breath of fresh airโ€™ who can reinvigorate your team members.ย ย ย It is vital to make the best first impressi...

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    Dsj How To Make A Great First Impression In A New Job
  • How to Resign Your Job and Leave on Good Terms

    over 4 years ago by

    โ€‹Is there a good way to quit a job? Itโ€™s very rare that the news is going to be received with a smile, particularly within the German procurement and supply chain sector, where skilled and valuable workers are in high demand.ย ย When resigning yourย role, it is important to leave with as much tact and professionalism as possible. There are plenty of ways you can quit your job a...

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    How To Resign And Leave On Good Terms
  • How to Deal with a Toxic Co-Worker

    over 4 years ago by

    โ€‹A toxicย colleague can chip away at your confidence and ability through behaviours such as constant undermining, negativity and bullying. If youโ€™re not careful, this individual can have an impact on your entire work experience, and even actively damage your careerย in the German procurement and supply chain sector.ย ย It is vital to not suffer in silence if you are starting to ...

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    How To Deal With A Toxic Co Worker
  • How to Find Out Your Co-Worker's Salary

    over 4 years ago by

    โ€‹According to theย World Bankโ€™s Logistics Performance Index, which ranks countries on elements of supply chain performance, Germany is the highest performing country for logistics. This will be due to its skilled and highย skilledย workforce.ย ย This is reflected through generous salaries. The average salary for a Supply Chain Manager in Germany is โ‚ฌ65,000, according to payscale....

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    How To Find Out Your Co Worker's Salary
  • How to Survive a Marathon Interview Process

    over 4 years ago by

    โ€‹If interviews with two or three stakeholders arenโ€™t nerve-wracking enough, many job seekers in the German procurement and supply chain sector now face the challenge of the all-day interview. These involve spending the day at the company meeting a range of stakeholders who will question you on different aspects of your suitability for the role.ย ย These interviews are great fo...

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    How To Survive A Marathon Interview Process
  • The Signs of Burnout at Work and What to Do About It

    over 4 years ago by

    โ€‹A 2016 Gallup study found that 9 billion euro is lost annually in the German economy due to decreased productivity, as a result of burnout. Now classed as a recognisable illness by the World Health Organization, burnout is an occupational phenomenon which impacts both on workers as individuals and the morale and productivity of a workforce.ย ย Chronic stress and burnout happe...

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    The Signs Of Burnout And What To Do About Them
  • 5 Steps to Convincing Your Boss That a Sabbatical is a Good Ideaย 

    over 4 years ago by

    โ€‹Did you know that 34% of the โ€œ100 Best Workplaces in Europeโ€ offer paid sabbaticals, according to the Great Places to Work Institute?ย With this number ever increasing, there's no better time to bring up the conversation with your employer. Asking for a career break is rarely easy, but a sabbatical offers more than a chance for you to recharge. Time away can be a vital oppor...

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    Dsj 5 Steps To Convincing Your Boss That A Sabbatical Is A Good Idea
  • Why You Should Always Decline a Counter Offer

    about 5 years ago by

    โ€‹โ€œWeโ€™ll match what theyโ€™re offering.โ€ Itโ€™s a moment that can catch you off guard. Youโ€™ve done the difficult bit, after all. Youโ€™ve survived marathon interview rounds, had your experience and expertise challenged, and come out on top โ€“ success, youโ€™ve been offered the job! The only thing left to do was to rip off the band-aid and hand in your resignation. Unfortunately, your ...

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  • To Interview or Not to Interview: How to Decide Whether to Go For a Job That May Not Seem Perfect

    about 5 years ago by

    โ€‹Hereโ€™s your dilemma: a recruiter or hiring manager has come across your CV. They found you on LinkedIn and approaches you with an interview opportunity that you havenโ€™t sought out. The problem is that the role doesnโ€™t seem, well, perfect. Itโ€™s not exactly what you want, and you didnโ€™t even apply for it.ย So what do you do? Do you go for the interview or not?ย Randy Chan, Head...

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  • How Working with a Specialist Recruiter Can Help Advance Your Career

    over 6 years ago by

    โ€‹โ€‹Upon reaching Senior Executive level, the number of opportunities available for career development begins to decrease, while the competition increases. As you reach the competitive leadership positions, itโ€™s vital to differentiate yourself from the other candidates in the market.In many circumstances, working with a specialist recruiter will help give you an edge when it c...

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    Advance Career
  • Contract or Perm โ€“ Which is the Right Route For You?

    over 6 years ago by

    โ€‹Although the traditional career pathway often leads directly to a full-time permanent role, there are other modes of work that might better suit certain styles of working and circumstances. Temporary and contractor roles are common, especially in industries such as business change and transformation, and have their own unique benefits and drawbacks.If youโ€™re considering swi...

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